Anglais/Vocabulaire/Quiz/Lecture et vocabulaire

Lisez le texte en vous aidant du vocabulaire, puis répondez aux questions ci-dessous.

Lecture et vocabulaire
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Quiz no4
Leçon : Vocabulaire

Quiz de niveau 7.

Quiz préc. :Dire l'heure
Quiz suiv. :Sommaire
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Texte: Namasté



Namasté or Namaskar is a common spoken greeting or salutation in the Indian subcontinent. Namaskar is considered a slightly more formal version than Namaste but both express deep respect. It is commonly used in India and Nepal by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists, and many continue to use this outside the Indian subcontinent. In Indian and Nepali culture, the word is spoken at the beginning of written or verbal communication. However, the same hands folded gesture is made wordlessly upon departure. In yoga, namaste is said to mean " I am your humble servant" which you say to your instructor.

Taken literally, it means "I bow to you". The word is derived from Sanskrit (namas): to bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, and (te): "to you".

When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. The gesture can also be performed wordlessly and carry the same meaning.

Source: Namasté



Voici les mots de vocabulaire essentiels. Les verbes conjugués sont repris à l'infinitif.

anglais français
to speak parler
greeting salutation
to consider considérer
slightly légèrement
both les deux
deep profond
to use utiliser
to continue continuer
outside hors de
word mot
beginning début
to write écrire
however pourtant
hand main
to fold joindre
anglais français
gesture geste
wordlessly en silence
departure départ
to mean signifier
to say dire
instructor professeur
to take prendre
to bow (se) courber
another un(e) autre
to accompany accompagner
palm paume
finger doigt
chest torse
to perform réaliser
to carry porter

