Ceci est la page de documentation pour Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua
Test the normal cases of mw.getCurrentFrame()
modifier{{#invoke:MWgetCurrentFrame|{{{1|tests}}} |option="on" }}
- ARGS.t=, CNT.t=modes.mode_name = tests , modes.options = nil , Module with internal error catview =
- datas.default_item = Q307, datas.default_name = Q307
p.teststests = FAMLTVQDR Init_mode_args_datas_tests **
* Inside the viewer drop_box.form(), a function in test or in report has a nil result.
modes Init Frame Args Mode Libraries **
* Inside the viewer drop_box.form(), a function in test or in report has a nil result.
* Inside the viewer drop_box.form(), a function in test or in report has a nil result.
datas.available_props_report(t) Reports availables datas properties **
* datas.available_props_report(t) Reports availables datas properties.
- birthyear = P569 , sitelink = sitelink , description = description , lastname = P734 , image = P18 , deathyear = P570 , labeluser = labeluser , labelpage = labelpage , args_known_monument = P18 , label = P735 , sex = P21 , firstname = P735 , label = label , QITEM = QITEM , args_known_country = P18 , args_known_town = P18 , country = P27 , args_known_flag = P18 , uri = uri , firstname = P735 , initial = P735 , personlang = P1412 , labelcontent = labelcontent , lastname = P734 , labelbylang = P18 ,
- Count of available datas properties: = 25 ,
modes.get_args() Values of the arguments in p.args_known{}.
* modes.get_args(args_known): Update argmt.val and argmt.src in p.args_known{}.
List of twice-view cases : in CentralManual modes.get_args_report ; not in ModuleCentral test mode ; yes in ModuleCentral "Doc with function from string". Search ▼
args_known = 42 , arguments = 42 ,
key | val | type | need | keyword | syn | prop | format | source |
QITEM | Q307 | dat | 0 | QITEM | 0 | QITEM | - | final |
args_known_country | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_country | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
args_known_flag | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_flag | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
args_known_monument | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_monument | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
args_known_town | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_town | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
birthyear | 1564 | dat | 0 | birthyear | 0 | P569 | year | datas |
c | - | config | 0 | c | 0 | - | - | known |
category | - | ctr | 0 | category | 0 | - | - | known |
contentlang | - | config | 0 | contentlang | 0 | - | - | known |
country | duché de Florence, grand-duché de Toscane | dat | 0 | country | 0 | P27 | - | datas |
deathyear | 1642 | dat | 0 | deathyear | 0 | P570 | year | datas |
debug | - | opt | 0 | debug | 0 | - | - | known |
description | physicien, philosophe et astronome italien | dat | 0 | description | 0 | description | - | datas |
docfunc | - | config | 0 | docfunc | 0 | - | - | known |
docitem | - | config | 0 | docitem | 0 | - | - | known |
dockey | - | config | 0 | dockey | 0 | - | - | known |
firstname | Galileo | dat | 0 | firstname | 1 | P735 | - | datas |
firstname2 | Galileo | dat | 0 | firstname | 2 | P735 | - | datas |
image | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | image | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
initial | Galileo | dat | 0 | initial | 0 | P735 | - | datas |
itemid | - | config | 0 | itemid | 0 | - | - | known |
knownversions | - | config | 0 | knownversions | 0 | - | - | known |
label | Galilée | dat | 0 | label | 1 | label | - | datas |
title | nil | dat | 0 | label | 2 | P735 | - | datas |
labelbylang | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | labelbylang | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
labelcontent | Galilée | dat | 0 | labelcontent | 0 | labelcontent | - | datas |
labelpage | Galilée | dat | 0 | labelpage | 0 | labelpage | - | datas |
labeluser | nil | dat | 0 | labeluser | 0 | labeluser | - | datas |
lastname | Galilei | dat | 0 | lastname | 1 | P734 | - | datas |
lastname2 | Galilei | dat | 0 | lastname | 2 | P734 | - | datas |
mode | - | config | 0 | mode | 0 | - | - | known |
modules_guide | - | ctr | 0 | modules_guide | 0 | - | - | known |
options | - | config | 0 | options | 0 | - | - | known |
pagelang | - | config | 0 | pagelang | 0 | - | - | known |
personlang | latin, italien | dat | 0 | personlang | 0 | P1412 | - | datas |
region | - | dat | 0 | region | 0 | - | - | known |
rights | - | dat | 0 | rights | 0 | - | - | known |
sex | masculin | dat | 0 | sex | 0 | P21 | - | datas |
sitelink | nil | dat | 0 | sitelink | 0 | sitelink | - | datas |
soughtversions | - | config | 0 | soughtversions | 0 | - | - | known |
uri | nil | dat | 0 | uri | 0 | uri | - | datas |
userlang | - | config | 0 | userlang | 0 | - | - | known |
- Counts for all args_known{}.template = 0 , final = 1 , known = 42 , datas = 25 , source = 0 , import = 0 ,
- Track argmt.keyword = n : known = 1 , datas = 1 , known = 2 , datas = 2 , known = 3 , datas = 3 , known = 4 , datas = 4 , known = 5 , datas = 5 , known = 6 , known = 7 , known = 8 , datas = 6 , known = 9 , datas = 7 , known = 10 , known = 11 , datas = 8 , known = 12 , datas = 9 , known = 13 , known = 14 , known = 15 , datas = 10 , known = 16 , datas = 11 , known = 17 , known = 18 , datas = 12 , known = 19 , known = 20 , datas = 13 , known = 21 , datas = 14 , final = 1 , known = 22 , datas = 15 , known = 23 , known = 24 , known = 25 , datas = 16 , known = 26 , known = 27 , known = 28 , known = 29 , known = 30 , datas = 17 , known = 31 , datas = 18 , known = 32 , datas = 19 , known = 33 , datas = 20 , known = 34 , datas = 21 , known = 35 , known = 36 , datas = 22 , known = 37 , known = 38 , datas = 23 , known = 39 , known = 40 , known = 41 , datas = 24 , known = 42 , datas = 25 ,
- Final content of arguments{}.1 = nil , 2 = nil , 3 = nil , 4 = nil , 5 = nil , 6 = nil , 7 = nil , 8 = nil , 9 = nil , 10 = nil , 11 = nil , 12 = nil , 13 = nil , 14 = nil , 15 = nil , 16 = nil , 17 = nil , 18 = nil , 19 = nil , 20 = nil , 21 = nil , 22 = nil , 23 = nil , 24 = nil , 25 = nil , 26 = nil , 27 = nil , 28 = nil , 29 = nil , 30 = nil , 31 = nil , 32 = nil , 33 = nil , 34 = nil , 35 = nil , 36 = nil , 37 = nil , 38 = nil , 39 = nil , 40 = nil , 41 = nil , 42 = nil ,
modes.used_options_list() Use of options:
List of modes:
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,Languages: content: ⧼Lang⧽, page: fr, user: .
Actual mode used: tests
Options read the last time in these tests, ones activated are in bold:
Options lues pour la dernière fois pendant ces tests, celles activées sont en gras :
, docdata , debug , tests , box1 , docmax , docdef , : , docmin , docview , noerr
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,
, docdata , debug , tests , box1 , docmax , docdef , : , docmin , docview , noerr
modes.list_all_args_main() List of all accepted arguments
* modes.list_all_args_main() List of all accepted argumentsargs N = 42 ,
* List of needed arguments:
* List of all other arguments:
* list_all_authorities
* List of all config arguments:
* List of all system arguments:
* List of needed arguments:
* List of all other arguments:
* list_all_authorities
* List of all config arguments:
* List of all system arguments:
lua_table.structure() Table of received arguments, args_source:
* Content of the nil table, begin:
Table .table, 0 vars:
Table .table, 0 functions:
Table .table, 0 tables:
Content of the nil table, end: %1 variables, %2 functions, %3 sub-tables.
- 0;0;0
modes.args_known_structure() Arguments definitions
* args_known_structure :
birthyear = { p = dat , keyword = birthyear , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P569 , format = year , }
sitelink = { p = dat , keyword = sitelink , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = sitelink , }
description = { p = dat , keyword = description , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = description , }
lastname2 = { p = dat , keyword = lastname , syn = 2 , need = 0 , prop = P734 , }
image = { p = dat , keyword = image , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
knownversions = { p = config , keyword = knownversions , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
docitem = { p = config , keyword = docitem , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
deathyear = { p = dat , keyword = deathyear , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P570 , format = year , }
labeluser = { p = dat , keyword = labeluser , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = labeluser , }
debug = { p = opt , keyword = debug , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
region = { p = dat , keyword = region , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
args_known_monument = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_monument , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
userlang = { p = config , keyword = userlang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
pagelang = { p = config , keyword = pagelang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
title = { p = dat , keyword = label , syn = 2 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
sex = { p = dat , keyword = sex , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P21 , }
modules_guide = { p = ctr , keyword = modules_guide , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
firstname = { p = dat , keyword = firstname , syn = 1 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
dockey = { p = config , keyword = dockey , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
label = { p = dat , keyword = label , syn = 1 , need = 0 , prop = label , }
QITEM = { p = dat , keyword = QITEM , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = QITEM , }
args_known_country = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_country , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
category = { p = ctr , keyword = category , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
mode = { p = config , keyword = mode , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
args_known_town = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_town , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
labelpage = { p = dat , keyword = labelpage , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = labelpage , }
lastname = { p = dat , keyword = lastname , syn = 1 , need = 0 , prop = P734 , }
options = { p = config , keyword = options , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
rights = { p = dat , keyword = rights , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
country = { p = dat , keyword = country , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P27 , }
labelcontent = { p = dat , keyword = labelcontent , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = labelcontent , }
c = { p = config , keyword = c , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
personlang = { p = dat , keyword = personlang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P1412 , }
initial = { p = dat , keyword = initial , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
contentlang = { p = config , keyword = contentlang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
firstname2 = { p = dat , keyword = firstname , syn = 2 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
uri = { p = dat , keyword = uri , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = uri , }
args_known_flag = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_flag , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
soughtversions = { p = config , keyword = soughtversions , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
docfunc = { p = config , keyword = docfunc , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
itemid = { p = config , keyword = itemid , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
labelbylang = { p = dat , keyword = labelbylang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
viewers.simple_list_test() Report unknown arguments
* modes.args_unknown_report(t) Report main unknown arguments.
i | where | save |
Support information: in version %1
* Discreet main version: Centralizer 1.0.0(181227T22:44),
- Description of the Module:Centralizer version: versionName = Centralizer , versionNumber = 1.0.0(181227T22:44) , versionDate = 2018-12-27T22:44:00 ,
- The structure of the Module:Centralizer versionNumber is
. - Main module Description = Begin to use , function = first functional support , task = enough advanced to use in CentralSchool OK ,
- MediaWiki_version: Local MediaWiki version = 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) time=2018-12-20T17:20:46 ,
- This module can translate 270 sentences into 7 languages: 282-brezhoneg(br=Breton), 234-Deutsch(de=German), 282-English(en=English), 283-español(es=Spanish), 283-français(fr=French), 246-magyar(hu=Hungarian), 282-Tiếng Việt(vi=Vietnamese),
- Start versions from the main module: bind_verif_modules_report_start missing
- versions.versions_management_report(): Versions management details:
- To debug later to_debug_on_20170531 Rical
- versions.sort_central_modules_report() -- Sorted list of central modules and libraries.
- versions.loaded_modules_track : #versions.loaded_modules_and_libraries = 8 ,
Title | Version | Date | Translations / Languages |
activity | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;157;7 |
events | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;71;6 |
langs | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;301;7 |
lua_table | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;112;7 |
mathroman | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;119;7 |
modes | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;648;7 |
versions | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;303;7 |
MWgetCurrentFrame | v190212 | 2019-02-12 23:51 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;222;5 |
- versions.running_times() Running times and references for Lua-coders.
- Local MediaWiki version = 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) time=2018-12-20T17:20:46 ,
- . Modules: Main module = Module:MWgetCurrentFrame , Proto version = Centralizer , Modules in this wiki = 380 ,
- . Central module version: versionName = Centralizer , versionNumber = 1.0.0(181227T22:44) , versionDate = 2018-12-27T22:44:00 , taskDescription = enough advanced to use in CentralSchool OK ,
- Users activities: activeUsers = 55 , Administrators(sysop) = 9 , bots(bot) = 9 , patrollers(patroller) = 72 , bureaucrats(bureaucrat) = 2 ,
- Statistics on users and content mw mw:Special:ListGroupRights
- Wivivi: In which language do you read Wikipedia?
- Last revision: REVISIONTIMESTAMP = 20190212234652 , REVISIONUSER = Rical ,
- User language: ⧼Lang⧽ = ⧼Lang⧽ , ⧼es⧽ = ⧼es⧽ , {{int:Lang}} = ⧼Lang⧽ , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , UILANGCODE = Modèle:UILANGCODE , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , USERLANGUAGE = fr , USERIFCODE = Modèle:USERIFCODE ,
- Scribunto: , Extension:Scribunto Lua manual , version : = Lua 5.1 ,
- Server protocol = nil , user = nil , password = nil , main_title = nil , label = nil , text = nil , host = , port = nil , path = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation , query = nil , fragment = nil , userInfo = nil , hostPort = , authority = , queryString = nil , relativePath = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation ,
- Execution time and page: 2024-12-23 04:40:22 UTC, url = ,
- Running times: start in page = 20 mS , import + 1164 mS , form result + 0 mS , tests + 402 mS , duration = 1566 mS ,
modes.options_from_mode_tests() Options uses and short test
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,
Mode | List of options | noerr value | docview value | tests value options_from_mode_test: |
read | box1 catview | |||
edit | box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : | true | ||
tests | box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests | true | true |
modes.all_categories_list() List of eventual categories of this module:
* modes.all_categories_list() List of eventual categories of this module:
modes.all_errors_list() List of detectable errors in this module:
* modes.all_errors_list() List of detectable errors in this module:
- versions.running_times() Running times and references for Lua-coders.
- Local MediaWiki version = 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) time=2018-12-20T17:20:46 ,
- . Modules: Main module = Module:MWgetCurrentFrame , Proto version = Centralizer , Modules in this wiki = 380 ,
- . Central module version: versionName = Centralizer , versionNumber = 1.0.0(181227T22:44) , versionDate = 2018-12-27T22:44:00 , taskDescription = enough advanced to use in CentralSchool OK ,
- Users activities: activeUsers = 55 , Administrators(sysop) = 9 , bots(bot) = 9 , patrollers(patroller) = 72 , bureaucrats(bureaucrat) = 2 ,
- Statistics on users and content mw mw:Special:ListGroupRights
- Wivivi: In which language do you read Wikipedia?
- Last revision: REVISIONTIMESTAMP = 20190212234652 , REVISIONUSER = Rical ,
- User language: ⧼Lang⧽ = ⧼Lang⧽ , ⧼es⧽ = ⧼es⧽ , {{int:Lang}} = ⧼Lang⧽ , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , UILANGCODE = Modèle:UILANGCODE , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , USERLANGUAGE = fr , USERIFCODE = Modèle:USERIFCODE ,
- Scribunto: , Extension:Scribunto Lua manual , version : = Lua 5.1 ,
- Server protocol = nil , user = nil , password = nil , main_title = nil , label = nil , text = nil , host = , port = nil , path = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation , query = nil , fragment = nil , userInfo = nil , hostPort = , authority = , queryString = nil , relativePath = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation ,
- Execution time and page: 2024-12-23 04:40:22 UTC, url = ,
- Running times: start in page = 20 mS , import + 1164 mS , form result + 0 mS , tests + 415 mS , duration = 1579 mS ,
Test the bug cases where mw.getCurrentFrame() is nil
modifiernil has no value, like in Lua {{#invoke:MWgetCurrentFrame|{{{1|tests}}} |option=nil }}
- ARGS.t=, CNT.t=modes.mode_name = tests , modes.options = nil , Module with internal error catview =
- datas.default_item = Q307, datas.default_name = Q307
p.teststests = FAMLTVQDR Init_mode_args_datas_tests **
* Inside the viewer drop_box.form(), a function in test or in report has a nil result.
modes Init Frame Args Mode Libraries **
* Inside the viewer drop_box.form(), a function in test or in report has a nil result.
* Inside the viewer drop_box.form(), a function in test or in report has a nil result.
datas.available_props_report(t) Reports availables datas properties **
* datas.available_props_report(t) Reports availables datas properties.
- birthyear = P569 , sitelink = sitelink , description = description , lastname = P734 , image = P18 , deathyear = P570 , labeluser = labeluser , labelpage = labelpage , args_known_monument = P18 , label = P735 , sex = P21 , firstname = P735 , label = label , QITEM = QITEM , args_known_country = P18 , args_known_town = P18 , country = P27 , args_known_flag = P18 , uri = uri , firstname = P735 , initial = P735 , personlang = P1412 , labelcontent = labelcontent , lastname = P734 , labelbylang = P18 ,
- Count of available datas properties: = 25 ,
modes.get_args() Values of the arguments in p.args_known{}.
* modes.get_args(args_known): Update argmt.val and argmt.src in p.args_known{}.
List of twice-view cases : in CentralManual modes.get_args_report ; not in ModuleCentral test mode ; yes in ModuleCentral "Doc with function from string". Search ▼
args_known = 42 , arguments = 42 ,
key | val | type | need | keyword | syn | prop | format | source |
QITEM | Q307 | dat | 0 | QITEM | 0 | QITEM | - | final |
args_known_country | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_country | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
args_known_flag | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_flag | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
args_known_monument | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_monument | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
args_known_town | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | args_known_town | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
birthyear | 1564 | dat | 0 | birthyear | 0 | P569 | year | datas |
c | - | config | 0 | c | 0 | - | - | known |
category | - | ctr | 0 | category | 0 | - | - | known |
contentlang | - | config | 0 | contentlang | 0 | - | - | known |
country | duché de Florence, grand-duché de Toscane | dat | 0 | country | 0 | P27 | - | datas |
deathyear | 1642 | dat | 0 | deathyear | 0 | P570 | year | datas |
debug | - | opt | 0 | debug | 0 | - | - | known |
description | physicien, philosophe et astronome italien | dat | 0 | description | 0 | description | - | datas |
docfunc | - | config | 0 | docfunc | 0 | - | - | known |
docitem | - | config | 0 | docitem | 0 | - | - | known |
dockey | - | config | 0 | dockey | 0 | - | - | known |
firstname | Galileo | dat | 0 | firstname | 1 | P735 | - | datas |
firstname2 | Galileo | dat | 0 | firstname | 2 | P735 | - | datas |
image | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | image | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
initial | Galileo | dat | 0 | initial | 0 | P735 | - | datas |
itemid | - | config | 0 | itemid | 0 | - | - | known |
knownversions | - | config | 0 | knownversions | 0 | - | - | known |
label | Galilée | dat | 0 | label | 1 | label | - | datas |
title | nil | dat | 0 | label | 2 | P735 | - | datas |
labelbylang | Galileo.arp.300pix.jpg | dat | 0 | labelbylang | 0 | P18 | - | datas |
labelcontent | Galilée | dat | 0 | labelcontent | 0 | labelcontent | - | datas |
labelpage | Galilée | dat | 0 | labelpage | 0 | labelpage | - | datas |
labeluser | nil | dat | 0 | labeluser | 0 | labeluser | - | datas |
lastname | Galilei | dat | 0 | lastname | 1 | P734 | - | datas |
lastname2 | Galilei | dat | 0 | lastname | 2 | P734 | - | datas |
mode | - | config | 0 | mode | 0 | - | - | known |
modules_guide | - | ctr | 0 | modules_guide | 0 | - | - | known |
options | - | config | 0 | options | 0 | - | - | known |
pagelang | - | config | 0 | pagelang | 0 | - | - | known |
personlang | latin, italien | dat | 0 | personlang | 0 | P1412 | - | datas |
region | - | dat | 0 | region | 0 | - | - | known |
rights | - | dat | 0 | rights | 0 | - | - | known |
sex | masculin | dat | 0 | sex | 0 | P21 | - | datas |
sitelink | nil | dat | 0 | sitelink | 0 | sitelink | - | datas |
soughtversions | - | config | 0 | soughtversions | 0 | - | - | known |
uri | nil | dat | 0 | uri | 0 | uri | - | datas |
userlang | - | config | 0 | userlang | 0 | - | - | known |
- Counts for all args_known{}.template = 0 , final = 1 , known = 42 , datas = 25 , source = 0 , import = 0 ,
- Track argmt.keyword = n : known = 1 , datas = 1 , known = 2 , datas = 2 , known = 3 , datas = 3 , known = 4 , datas = 4 , known = 5 , datas = 5 , known = 6 , known = 7 , known = 8 , datas = 6 , known = 9 , datas = 7 , known = 10 , known = 11 , datas = 8 , known = 12 , datas = 9 , known = 13 , known = 14 , known = 15 , datas = 10 , known = 16 , datas = 11 , known = 17 , known = 18 , datas = 12 , known = 19 , known = 20 , datas = 13 , known = 21 , datas = 14 , final = 1 , known = 22 , datas = 15 , known = 23 , known = 24 , known = 25 , datas = 16 , known = 26 , known = 27 , known = 28 , known = 29 , known = 30 , datas = 17 , known = 31 , datas = 18 , known = 32 , datas = 19 , known = 33 , datas = 20 , known = 34 , datas = 21 , known = 35 , known = 36 , datas = 22 , known = 37 , known = 38 , datas = 23 , known = 39 , known = 40 , known = 41 , datas = 24 , known = 42 , datas = 25 ,
- Final content of arguments{}.1 = nil , 2 = nil , 3 = nil , 4 = nil , 5 = nil , 6 = nil , 7 = nil , 8 = nil , 9 = nil , 10 = nil , 11 = nil , 12 = nil , 13 = nil , 14 = nil , 15 = nil , 16 = nil , 17 = nil , 18 = nil , 19 = nil , 20 = nil , 21 = nil , 22 = nil , 23 = nil , 24 = nil , 25 = nil , 26 = nil , 27 = nil , 28 = nil , 29 = nil , 30 = nil , 31 = nil , 32 = nil , 33 = nil , 34 = nil , 35 = nil , 36 = nil , 37 = nil , 38 = nil , 39 = nil , 40 = nil , 41 = nil , 42 = nil ,
modes.used_options_list() Use of options:
List of modes:
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,Languages: content: ⧼Lang⧽, page: fr, user: .
Actual mode used: tests
Options read the last time in these tests, ones activated are in bold:
Options lues pour la dernière fois pendant ces tests, celles activées sont en gras :
, docdata , debug , tests , box1 , docmax , docdef , : , docmin , docview , noerr
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,
, docdata , debug , tests , box1 , docmax , docdef , : , docmin , docview , noerr
modes.list_all_args_main() List of all accepted arguments
* modes.list_all_args_main() List of all accepted argumentsargs N = 42 ,
* List of needed arguments:
* List of all other arguments:
* list_all_authorities
* List of all config arguments:
* List of all system arguments:
* List of needed arguments:
* List of all other arguments:
* list_all_authorities
* List of all config arguments:
* List of all system arguments:
lua_table.structure() Table of received arguments, args_source:
* Content of the nil table, begin:
Table .table, 0 vars:
Table .table, 0 functions:
Table .table, 0 tables:
Content of the nil table, end: %1 variables, %2 functions, %3 sub-tables.
- 0;0;0
modes.args_known_structure() Arguments definitions
* args_known_structure :
birthyear = { p = dat , keyword = birthyear , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P569 , format = year , }
sitelink = { p = dat , keyword = sitelink , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = sitelink , }
description = { p = dat , keyword = description , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = description , }
lastname2 = { p = dat , keyword = lastname , syn = 2 , need = 0 , prop = P734 , }
image = { p = dat , keyword = image , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
knownversions = { p = config , keyword = knownversions , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
docitem = { p = config , keyword = docitem , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
deathyear = { p = dat , keyword = deathyear , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P570 , format = year , }
labeluser = { p = dat , keyword = labeluser , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = labeluser , }
debug = { p = opt , keyword = debug , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
region = { p = dat , keyword = region , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
args_known_monument = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_monument , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
userlang = { p = config , keyword = userlang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
pagelang = { p = config , keyword = pagelang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
title = { p = dat , keyword = label , syn = 2 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
sex = { p = dat , keyword = sex , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P21 , }
modules_guide = { p = ctr , keyword = modules_guide , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
firstname = { p = dat , keyword = firstname , syn = 1 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
dockey = { p = config , keyword = dockey , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
label = { p = dat , keyword = label , syn = 1 , need = 0 , prop = label , }
QITEM = { p = dat , keyword = QITEM , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = QITEM , }
args_known_country = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_country , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
category = { p = ctr , keyword = category , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
mode = { p = config , keyword = mode , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
args_known_town = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_town , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
labelpage = { p = dat , keyword = labelpage , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = labelpage , }
lastname = { p = dat , keyword = lastname , syn = 1 , need = 0 , prop = P734 , }
options = { p = config , keyword = options , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
rights = { p = dat , keyword = rights , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
country = { p = dat , keyword = country , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P27 , }
labelcontent = { p = dat , keyword = labelcontent , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = labelcontent , }
c = { p = config , keyword = c , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
personlang = { p = dat , keyword = personlang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P1412 , }
initial = { p = dat , keyword = initial , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
contentlang = { p = config , keyword = contentlang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
firstname2 = { p = dat , keyword = firstname , syn = 2 , need = 0 , prop = P735 , }
uri = { p = dat , keyword = uri , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = uri , }
args_known_flag = { p = dat , keyword = args_known_flag , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
soughtversions = { p = config , keyword = soughtversions , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
docfunc = { p = config , keyword = docfunc , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
itemid = { p = config , keyword = itemid , syn = 0 , need = 0 , }
labelbylang = { p = dat , keyword = labelbylang , syn = 0 , need = 0 , prop = P18 , }
viewers.simple_list_test() Report unknown arguments
* modes.args_unknown_report(t) Report main unknown arguments.
i | where | save |
Support information: in version %1
* Discreet main version: Centralizer 1.0.0(181227T22:44),
- Description of the Module:Centralizer version: versionName = Centralizer , versionNumber = 1.0.0(181227T22:44) , versionDate = 2018-12-27T22:44:00 ,
- The structure of the Module:Centralizer versionNumber is
. - Main module Description = Begin to use , function = first functional support , task = enough advanced to use in CentralSchool OK ,
- MediaWiki_version: Local MediaWiki version = 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) time=2018-12-20T17:20:46 ,
- This module can translate 270 sentences into 7 languages: 282-brezhoneg(br=Breton), 234-Deutsch(de=German), 282-English(en=English), 283-español(es=Spanish), 283-français(fr=French), 246-magyar(hu=Hungarian), 282-Tiếng Việt(vi=Vietnamese),
- Start versions from the main module: bind_verif_modules_report_start missing
- versions.versions_management_report(): Versions management details:
- To debug later to_debug_on_20170531 Rical
- versions.sort_central_modules_report() -- Sorted list of central modules and libraries.
- versions.loaded_modules_track : #versions.loaded_modules_and_libraries = 8 ,
Title | Version | Date | Translations / Languages |
activity | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;157;7 |
events | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;71;6 |
langs | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;301;7 |
lua_table | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;112;7 |
mathroman | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;119;7 |
modes | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;648;7 |
versions | v-23 04:40 | 2024-12-23 04:40 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;303;7 |
MWgetCurrentFrame | v190212 | 2019-02-12 23:51 | this: + %1/%2 T/L, ;222;5 |
- versions.running_times() Running times and references for Lua-coders.
- Local MediaWiki version = 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) time=2018-12-20T17:20:46 ,
- . Modules: Main module = Module:MWgetCurrentFrame , Proto version = Centralizer , Modules in this wiki = 380 ,
- . Central module version: versionName = Centralizer , versionNumber = 1.0.0(181227T22:44) , versionDate = 2018-12-27T22:44:00 , taskDescription = enough advanced to use in CentralSchool OK ,
- Users activities: activeUsers = 55 , Administrators(sysop) = 9 , bots(bot) = 9 , patrollers(patroller) = 72 , bureaucrats(bureaucrat) = 2 ,
- Statistics on users and content mw mw:Special:ListGroupRights
- Wivivi: In which language do you read Wikipedia?
- Last revision: REVISIONTIMESTAMP = 20190212234652 , REVISIONUSER = Rical ,
- User language: ⧼Lang⧽ = ⧼Lang⧽ , ⧼es⧽ = ⧼es⧽ , {{int:Lang}} = ⧼Lang⧽ , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , UILANGCODE = Modèle:UILANGCODE , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , USERLANGUAGE = fr , USERIFCODE = Modèle:USERIFCODE ,
- Scribunto: , Extension:Scribunto Lua manual , version : = Lua 5.1 ,
- Server protocol = nil , user = nil , password = nil , main_title = nil , label = nil , text = nil , host = , port = nil , path = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation , query = nil , fragment = nil , userInfo = nil , hostPort = , authority = , queryString = nil , relativePath = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation ,
- Execution time and page: 2024-12-23 04:40:23 UTC, url = ,
- Running times: start in page = 1601 mS , import + 1065 mS , form result + 0 mS , tests + 412 mS , duration = 1478 mS ,
modes.options_from_mode_tests() Options uses and short test
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,
- doc = nobox1 noerr nocatview ,
- read = box1 catview ,
- tests = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ,
- edit = box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ,
Mode | List of options | noerr value | docview value | tests value options_from_mode_test: |
read | box1 catview | |||
edit | box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : | true | ||
tests | box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests | true | true |
modes.all_categories_list() List of eventual categories of this module:
* modes.all_categories_list() List of eventual categories of this module:
modes.all_errors_list() List of detectable errors in this module:
* modes.all_errors_list() List of detectable errors in this module:
- versions.running_times() Running times and references for Lua-coders.
- Local MediaWiki version = 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) time=2018-12-20T17:20:46 ,
- . Modules: Main module = Module:MWgetCurrentFrame , Proto version = Centralizer , Modules in this wiki = 380 ,
- . Central module version: versionName = Centralizer , versionNumber = 1.0.0(181227T22:44) , versionDate = 2018-12-27T22:44:00 , taskDescription = enough advanced to use in CentralSchool OK ,
- Users activities: activeUsers = 55 , Administrators(sysop) = 9 , bots(bot) = 9 , patrollers(patroller) = 72 , bureaucrats(bureaucrat) = 2 ,
- Statistics on users and content mw mw:Special:ListGroupRights
- Wivivi: In which language do you read Wikipedia?
- Last revision: REVISIONTIMESTAMP = 20190212234652 , REVISIONUSER = Rical ,
- User language: ⧼Lang⧽ = ⧼Lang⧽ , ⧼es⧽ = ⧼es⧽ , {{int:Lang}} = ⧼Lang⧽ , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , UILANGCODE = Modèle:UILANGCODE , USERLANG = Modèle:USERLANG , USERLANGUAGE = fr , USERIFCODE = Modèle:USERIFCODE ,
- Scribunto: , Extension:Scribunto Lua manual , version : = Lua 5.1 ,
- Server protocol = nil , user = nil , password = nil , main_title = nil , label = nil , text = nil , host = , port = nil , path = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation , query = nil , fragment = nil , userInfo = nil , hostPort = , authority = , queryString = nil , relativePath = /wiki/Module:MdCurrentFrame.lua/Documentation ,
- Execution time and page: 2024-12-23 04:40:23 UTC, url = ,
- Running times: start in page = 1601 mS , import + 1065 mS , form result + 0 mS , tests + 426 mS , duration = 1492 mS ,