Département de langue étrangère : indonésie



Je remarque avec grand joie tout ce que tu es en train de préparer sur la langue indonésienne. Comme le département n'existe pas encore, veux-tu qu’il soit créé ? Crochet.david 20 septembre 2007 à 08:07 (UTC)Répondre

C'est fait. Crochet.david 20 septembre 2007 à 09:59 (UTC)Répondre

Occleve (mobile phone quiz software)


Hi Serpicozaure,

Great to hear that you're interested by the mobile software. First thing to point out, is you can use it on the "virtual phone" at http://occleve.berlios.de/demo.html

But if you want to run it on a real phone, here are some requirements:

The ability:

  • to run JARs at least 100K large. Some older phones have a 64KB limit. The JAR is currently 82KB but will grow. It's best to go for a phone that doesn't have an upper limit on JAR size.
  • for Java apps to connect to the Internet.
  • to display the appropriate character sets for the language pair you're interested in. Indonesian uses the roman alphabet, right? So this shouldn't be an issue for you.

Minimum Java standards supported:

  • MIDP 2.0
  • CLDC 1.0

And if you want to use audio clips:

  • Mobile Media API (JSR135)

There's a website which lists the Java specs of mobile phone models: http://www.club-java.com/TastePhone/J2ME/MIDP_Benchmark.jsp

If you want a phone that's guaranteed to run the software, the Sony Ericsson K300 is the model I have. But whatever model you get, I'll do my best to get the software running on it, if there are problems! Let me know how you get on...



Close to releasing a version of the mobile phone software that meets your needs


Hi, I'm getting close to releasing a version of the mobile phone quiz software that meets your requirements. I've created ListOfQuizzesForMobileClient which is a directory page of quizzes available to the mobile client. I've added a few of your quizzes to it to give you an idea. BUT please note that at the moment, the mobile client only supports multiple choice quizzes... so most of the quizzes you've created so far won't work. Best, --Joe Gittings 4 novembre 2007 à 12:21 (UTC)Répondre