Anglais/Grammaire/Quiz/Voix Passive

La voix passive
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Quiz no6
Leçon : Grammaire anglaise
Chapitre du cours : La voix passive

Quiz de niveau 2.

Quiz préc. :Present Perfect
Quiz suiv. :To be et les articles
En raison de limitations techniques, la typographie souhaitable du titre, « Quiz : La voix passive
Anglais/Grammaire/Quiz/Voix Passive
 », n'a pu être restituée correctement ci-dessus.

Dites si la phrase est à la voix active ou passive



1 The mouse is being eaten by the cat.

voix active
voix passive

2 The engineer is intelligent.

voix active
voix passive

3 The garage was built by Peter and Sam

voix active
voix passive

4 Mr Green has got blue eyes.

voix active
voix passive

5 The car has been bought by Bob.

voix active
voix passive

Transformez les phrases suivantes en phrases interrogatives



1 This box was brought by John.

2 My kitchen window was broken by a child.

3 They are being watched by the police.

4 David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens.

5 Children under 13 are admitted.


1 1.23 million bottles are filled up every hour in Belgium.

2 He is being watched by Lara.

3 I am being followed by a clown.

4 She has been seen walking in the park.

5 This phone was invented by Jerome.


1 This computer was bought by Toni.

2 My bathroom window was broken by Quentin.

3 The poem was recited by the boy.

4 In my fantasy world, hip-hop is danced by dogs.

5 The library was burnt down by cats.

6 The cats will be fed by Quentin.


1 The bike was ridden by April.

2 Damien was transported to the Moon.

3 They are being watched by the security guards.

4 Jack the Ripper was written by Simon.

5 The rocket was launched by NASA.

6 You have had your hair cut.

Mets les phrases passives à la forme négative


Attention ! Il faut utiliser la forme contractée du verbe BE.


1 That paper was cut by my friend.

2 The mouse was eaten by your cat.

3 The dog was stolen by my sister.

4 My book was burnt by my brother.

5 The box was sold by your father.

Ajoutez WAS ou WERE


Insérez WAS ou WERE dans les espaces.



The woman

scratched by her cat.


This computer

invented by IBM.



eaten by a lion, I am so unhappy!!!!!


The fireman

fired by the fire chief



connected to the internet.


The pupils

punished by the teacher.


Today, we

watched by the policeman.


My pullover

washed by my mother.


My dog

bitten by a wolf.


The house

built by my friend Fred with his family.



Your bike

broken by your brother.


The school bus

driven by Otto.


The plane



The gangster



The Mona Lisa

painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

Choisissez la phrase au passif


Choisissez la phrase passive qui correspond à la phrase de départ.


1 A Child broke my door.

My door was broken by a man.
My door was broken by a child.
She broke my door.

2 His dad cut the tree down.

The tree wasn’t cut down by his dad.
Did his dad cut the tree down?
The tree was cut down by his dad.

3 He didn’t take the computer apart.

The computer wasn’t taken apart.
The computer was taken apart.

4 You stepped on a snail.

The snail was stepped on.
The snail wasn’t stepped on by you.
Was the snail stepped on by him?

5 A child sank my boat.

He sank my boat.
My boat was sunk by a child.
Was my boat sunk by him?

Même exercice que ci-dessus.


1 The teacher is punishing my brother.

My brother is punishing the teacher.
The teacher is being punished by my brother.
My brother is being punished by the teacher.

2 The dog ate my homework.

My homework ate the dog.
My homework was eaten by the dog
My homework was eating the dog.

3 I watch TV.

The TV is watched by me.
I am watched by the TV.
I am watched by the actor.

4 My English teacher is eating an apple pie.

The teacher is eaten by the apple pie.
The apple is an apple pie English teacher.
The apple pie is being eaten by my English teacher.

5 I hate pigs.

Pigs are hated by me.
Pigs hate me.
I love pigs.


Cochez les phrases qui sont à la voix passive

The dog is watching them.
They are being watched by the dog.
A child broke my bedroom window.
My bedroom window was broken by a child.
The dog was scratched by the cat.
The dog is eating the cat.
My mother loves my father.
My father is loved by my mother.
My best friend likes horses.
Horses are loved by my best friend.

Choisissez la bonne forme de l'auxiliaire BE



1 My bathroom door _____ broken by my brother.


2 That big high school _____ built by Picasso himself.


3 Georgette and Josette _____ watched by the fireman.

is being
are being
was being
am being

4 They ___ bitten by the dog.


5 « Georgette » ____ written by Tic-Tac.


6 The cake ___ eaten by George.
